Welcome to our Nursery
The Early Years Matter!
"Children in early years settle quickly into the school’s routines and learn well together." Ofsted January 2024
Embedded in our teaching, are the school’s values of Ambitious, Bold and Curious. Through the Early Years framework we strive to inspire and nurture in your child these strongly held values to ensure the children’s experiences in Nursery are enriched. We confidently grow to meet and succeed in rapidly changing times and the preservation of our planet and good health.
At Sparrow Farm Primary School we believe in facilitating and supporting the development of the whole-child, and in Nursery follow the Government’s statutory Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. This guidance carefully takes into account childrens’ natural steps, or ‘milestones’ as they are sometimes known, in their growth and how we as professionals can observe, assess and plan to meet each individual’s needs. Children are like sponges and soak up every experience provided to them. These early years are crucial to laying the foundation in your child’s education and their future achievements and wellbeing.
The EYFS is split between Prime Areas and Specific Areas of learning. Each is sequential to the next and by the end of year Reception, between 40-60 months in age range, your child is expected to reach and be embedding the 17 Early Learning Goals.
New to our Nursery?
You are very welcome to come and visit our Nursery to see the brilliant learning and excitement for yourselves.
To arrange an appointment please contact the school office: admissions@sparrowfarm.hounslow.sch.uk or phone 020 8890 7194 option 3.