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Sparrow Farm Primary School

Sparrow Farm Primary School
School App


At Sparrow Farm Primary School, we celebrate the diverse learning journeys of our children, who join us at various points along the way. While our end-of-key-stage results are important, they may not always fully reflect the remarkable progress each child makes from their unique starting point. We are committed to recognising and fostering individual growth throughout their educational experience.

Sparrow Farm Primary School opened on 1st January 2021, following the amalgamation and closure of Sparrow Farm Junior School, and Sparrow Farm Infant and Primary School.

The government states:

School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently.

School performance data should be considered alongside a range of other information about the school, which could include looking at school websites, reading Ofsted reports, and speaking to the school directly. Conclusions should not be drawn on a single piece of data alone.

School Performance Data