Friday 10 June 2022 Reception Outdoor Space 2 There are many great learning opportunities in Reception while our outdoor area begins to take shape!
Friday 10 June 2022 Jubilee Tree The children are enjoying taking care of the trees we planted to commemorate the Jubilee, adding to the Queen's Green Canopy.
Tuesday 7 June 2022 Reception Outdoor Space We are very excited that building work on the improvement of the Reception outdoor space has started!
Friday 27 May 2022 Year 4 Architecture #2 More "scrap" houses from budding architects in Year 4!
Friday 27 May 2022 Jubilee Fun
Friday 27 May 2022 Year 6 Science Experiment Year 6 investigated how yeast grows in different temperatures and mixtures.
Friday 27 May 2022 Jubilee Picnic Sunshine fun at lunchtime!
Thursday 26 May 2022 Nursery Bus All aboard the Nursery bus to the zoo! Come and join the fun!
Tuesday 24 May 2022 Nursery Fun Curiosity, laughter and imaginary play!
Monday 23 May 2022 Reception Dinosaurs In Dove class we loved learning about dinosaurs. We found some dinosaur eggs in our tuff tray and were super excited to break them open. We carefully hammered the ‘eggs’ and brushed them away gently to reveal some baby dinosaurs inside. We also enjoyed being archaeologists, discovering bones and ordering them by size. We even learnt some challenging dinosaur names.
Monday 23 May 2022 Year 1 Goldilocks Freeze frame poses, telling the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Friday 20 May 2022 Fledglings 3 Little Pigs I'll HUFFFand I’ll PUFF and I’ll BLOW your house down!
Friday 20 May 2022 Fledglings Goldilocks Someone's been eating my porridge!
Friday 20 May 2022 Year 3 Handball Year 3 enjoyed their lesson of handball; remembering the magic number 3, practicing different passes and then playing mini games.
Friday 20 May 2022 Year 5 Ancient Greece Year 5 have been inspired by their topic of Ancient Greece to record all they have learnt about through exciting arts and crafts, story boards and fact files! What a lot of amazing learning and sharing taking place!
Sunday 8 May 2022 Year 5 Scavenger Hunt Year 5 explored forest and fields! They became nature detectives during a scavenger hunt to find some really unusual items such as something smaller than thumb, or something that makes a soft sound!! Next they used these materials from the natural resources around them to create some amazing photo frames; it was so much fun!
Sunday 8 May 2022 Year 5 Ancient Greeks Year 5 have been learning about the Ancient Greeks as part of our Topic. We had an exciting Art lesson, comparing different types of Greek Vases and their different images on them. We were able to use our creativity skills to design how we wanted ours to look.
Sunday 8 May 2022 Year 4 Architecture Building Bridges as part of Year 4's unit on Architecture.
Sunday 8 May 2022 Year 2 Mondrian This week Year 2learned about artist, Piet Mondrian. He is known for his artwork using lines and primary colours. We created our own Mondrian art using different shapes in the style of the artist.
Sunday 8 May 2022 Fledglings Gingerbread Man Run, run, as fast as you can you can’t catch me, I’m a gingerbread man!
Friday 29 April 2022 Year 6 Science Year 6 scientist created their own classification keys to help classify the animals by comparing the similarities and differences.
Friday 29 April 2022 Year 2 Art: colour and lines Year 2 artists have been learning about colour and line by exploring the art of Kadinsky and Mondrian.
Friday 29 April 2022 Reception Space Adventure Reception blasted off into space this week! They learnt all about the planets, their temperatures and how close they are to the sun.
Friday 29 April 2022 Building Bug Hotels We've had so much fun building bug hotels. They're going to be installed at Hobbledown Heath and we can't wait to see the bugs in their new homes!
Saturday 2 April 2022 Year 5 Rice Crispy Cakes In English, the children have been learning how to write a set of instructions; we linked this to following a recipe and the Year 5s made some chocolate ricecrispycakes for Easter. They could not wait to take this home at the end of the day! This activity really helped the children to engage with writing a set of recipe cards. We were impressed with how the lesson went.
Friday 25 March 2022 Year 2 Library The children are excited to visit the school library. Alison the librarian helped pupils learn the rules for reading and selecting books in a library, the every picked a favourite book to read and take home to read with an adult.
Friday 25 March 2022 Year 2 History Year 2 had great fun learning about Sir Francis Drake. They debated if he was a hero or a villain, then made model boats of the Golden Hinde.
Friday 25 March 2022 Year 5 Rock Steady The Year 5s performed some amazing songs with their bands to their peers. They were confident and showed brilliant teamwork, playing on the guitars, drums, singing and keyboards. We were very proud of them and it felt like we were watching their own concerts.
Friday 25 March 2022 Reception Making Mash Encouraging different language to do with taste and texture by making mash from potatoes grown on our allotment!
Friday 25 March 2022 Year 1 Measuring Year One have been measuring heights and lengths using standard and non-standard units of measurement. We used cubes and then rulers to measure in cm. We also made our own snakes out of play doh and compared the lengths with our friends.