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Sparrow Farm Primary School

Sparrow Farm Primary School
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Mathematics (Maths)

At Sparrow Farm Primary School we recognise that maths is an essential life skill which helps children understand the world and enables them to think logically and problem solve.

We believe that being a confident, able mathematician is essential in ensuring that our pupils are given the best life chances possible. We understand that maths is vital for making sense of the world around us by seeing patterns and making connections. Our goal is that our pupils develop a curiosity about maths, which is seen, most importantly, as a matrix of skills and knowledge.

In maths, we are working towards using a teaching to mastery approach. This aims to ensure that no child is left behind.

How do we plan?

We use White Rose Maths 3.0 which links to the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum, as the basis of our medium term planning. Teachers follow the White Rose Maths 3.0 scheme and adapt resources, scaffolds and challenge to meet the needs of their pupils.

Maths Overview

Maths - Subject on a Page

Progression in Maths

Vocabulary Progression

Addition and Subtraction Calculation Policy

Multiplication and Division Calculation Policy

Maths Websites

Early Years

Early Years workshop presentation

Maths in the Early Years: How to help at home