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Sparrow Farm Primary School

Sparrow Farm Primary School
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Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

At Sparrow Farm Primary School we believe that learning a Modern Foreign Language builds children’s curiosity to discover various cultures. MFL increases pupils’ cultural capital preparing them to live and work in a world of differing languages.

“To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.” – Chinese Proverb

Our intent is for all pupils to leave Sparrow Farm with the knowledge and skills which will lay the foundations for language learning, not only at primary school level but for their future language learning. We want to build pupils’ confidence to communicate in French for different purposes, using both written and spoken French. We want pupils to have a love of language learning, and to recognise the advantages of speaking a foreign language. This happens through interactive and engaging methods used in language lessons such as using videos, presentations, games, songs, role-plays and many more.

With our MFL curriculum we:

  • Introduce children to modern foreign languages in a way that is accessible and enjoyable for all pupils.
  • Encourage children’s curiosity towards other languages and cultures.
  • Support speaking, listening and oracy skills.
  • Develop an awareness of cultural similarities and differences.
  • Provide the foundations for pupils to develop another language.

Our school uses the Kapow Primary French scheme, which provides pupils opportunities to communicate for practical purposes around familiar subjects and routines. The scheme provides balanced opportunities for communication in both spoken and written French. In Year 3, the focus is on developing oral skills, before incorporating written French in Year 4 and beyond. We want to ensure we build the children’s confidence with speaking and using the correct pronunciation, as well as every day vocabulary. We teach French in Key Stage 2, with a view to giving a valuable educational, social and cultural experience to our pupils and helping them develop important skills as well as an intercultural understanding. French lessons are taught weekly and are also incorporated into every day school life, where pupils are encouraged to complete small tasks such as answering the register in French.

In Early Years, "Understanding the World" and "Communication and Language" are both areas of learning which relate to MFL. Although it is not statutory for children in the foundation stage to learn a language, we feel it is important to provide them with the opportunities to hear other languages spoken, and to discover different cultures.  We introduce the concept of language and that French is a foreign language. Children learn French songs and learn about French culture through whole-school enrichment days and activities. In Key Stage 1, children learn basic French vocabulary and pronunciation such as greetings, numbers to ten and colours through songs and games. This helps to prepare them for learning French in Key Stage 2. 

We know we have made an impact on children’s learning through MFL:

  • All children in Key Stage 2 speak words and phrases in French, having been shown how to pronounce words accurately.
  • Children can use at least simple words and phrases in French, and many will be able to speak in full sentences by the end of Key Stage 2.
  • Children can talk about French traditions, culture and stories that they have studied.
  • Children talk about other languages they know or can speak at home and understand that our world is diverse.
  • Children are engaged in French lessons and participate actively.

Duolingo has courses in many languages for you to study at home. 

French - Subject on a Page

Overview of French

Progression of Skills

Long Term Plan