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Sparrow Farm Primary School

Sparrow Farm Primary School
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At Sparrow Farm Primary School, we recognise Geography is a brilliant way to explore and make sense of the world around us. Its hands on, its relevant and its fun! We aim to inspire our children to approach Geography with excitement and to have a curiosity and fascination about our world and its people. Our goal is to enable children to take on the role of a geographer, and so encourage an appreciation of how the world works and of the interconnections between concepts such as community, cultural diversity, interdependence and sustainability.

“An understanding of the natural world and what’s in it is a source of not only great curiosity but great fulfilment.”

Sir David Attenborough

At Sparrow Farm Primary, we have created a whole school curriculum using the Kapow Scheme. This an ambitious curriculum designed for all our pupils from Reception to Year 6.  This scheme allows us to teach geography through the four main concepts in the National Curriculum: locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography and Geography skills and fieldwork. It also draws upon key objectives in the EYFS Framework in Foundation Stage

In the Early Years it is the first opportunity for children to interact with their environment and experience how the environment influences them. We aim to guide children to make sense of their physical world and their community by making learning fun and engaging allowing them to investigate and explore, observe and question, and find out about people, places, technology and the environment – this is the first step of becoming a geographer! In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, we aim to equip children with geographical knowledge, skills and vocabulary to ask geographical questions and learn how geographers reach their answers through enquiry. 

By the time our children leave us, we aim to provide them with a breadth of memorable experiences that encourages an on-going curiosity to engage with the wonderful world around them. They will be equipped to explore their world and have a greater understanding of their planet. They will be empowered to take their role as informed and considerate active global citizens, which is essential in a globalized world.

Geography Overview

Geography - Subject on a Page

Progress in Geography

Vocabulary Progression

Long Term Plan

Useful Links

BBC Bitesize Geography:

Geography - BBC Bitesize

BBC Teach:

KS1 Geography - BBC Teach

KS2 Geography - BBC Teach

 Map Skills and Geography:


Using a Compass:

Beginners guide to using a compass | OS GetOutside (ordnancesurvey.co.uk)

Britannica Kids: Geography:

geography - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help

Geography Quizzes:

KS2 Geography - 20 Enjoyable Quizzes for Children aged 7-11 (educationquizzes.com)

KS1 Quizzes - Interesting Teaching Resource - Aged 5, 6 and 7 (educationquizzes.com)