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Sparrow Farm Primary School

Sparrow Farm Primary School
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Fledglings Pre-School for 2 and 3-year-old children

Children are entitled to start Fledglings at the beginning of the term following their second birthday.

Date of birth Term eligible to start
1st April to 31st August Autumn term (September)
1st September to 31st December Spring term (January)
1st January to 31st March Summer term (April)

There are two sessions that run during term time:

Session 1: 8.30-11.30am

Session 2: 12.30-3.30pm

Children can attend either a morning OR an afternoon session. 

 2-Year old children

Your 2-year-old child may be eligible for Free/Funded Childcare. There are 2 offers available; which one is right for you depends on you or your child's circumstances.

Check whether you are eligible

If you meet the qualifying criteria, your child will become eligible from the term after their second birthday for up to 15 hours of free childcare each week.

You must apply online to check your eligibility and you will receive an email containing a code to confirm whether you are eligible. Please add this code at Step 3 on Page 2 of the Parent Declaration Form below, and return the form to admissions@sparrowfarm.hounslow.sch.uk along with  a copy of your child's birth certificate or passport and proof of your address (council tax bill or tenancy agreement). Please also complete the online registration form below.

Apply to confirm eligibility

Parent Declaration Form

Online Registration Form

If you are not eligible, your 2-year old child can still attend for a fee.

You can choose up to five sessions per week, and we recommend that your child attends a minimum of two days per week.

3-year old children

All 3-year old children qualify for up to 15 hours of free childcare per week from the term following their third birthday.

A child can be registered in the term before they are eligible to start. Please complete the Parent Declaration Form, as well as the online registration form below. Once completed, please email the form, along with a copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport, and proof of your address (council tax bill or tenancy agreement) to admissions@sparrowfarm.hounslow.sch.uk.

Parent Declaration Form

Online Registration Form